The Federal Penitentiary Service

The position of the Federal Penitentiary Service

The Federal Penitentiary Service (abbreviation - FPS of Russia) represents the federal agency of executive power, which accomplishes the legal functions about control and supervision in the sphere of execution of the sentences in regard to the offenders; functions about incarceration of persons suspected or accused of a crime, and defendants, who are in custody, their protection and convoy as well as functions about behavior’s control of probationers and convicted, provided with a suspension of sentence by the court.

FPS of Russia is subordinated to the Department of Justice of Russian Federation.

Goals and Objectives

FPS of Russia was founded on the basis of The Russian Federation President’s degree ¹314 from 09/03/2004  «About system and structure of federal bodies of executive power».

Founded on the basis of the Russian Federation President’s degree ¹ 1314 from 13.10.2004 «Federal agency’s issues about execution of the sentence».

Main tasks of FPS of Russia are:

1. Executing criminal punishments in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation, detaining persons suspected or accused of crimes and defendants (further along – detainees);

2. Controlling behaviour of parolees and convicts who have been given suspended sentences;

3. Ensuring protection of rights, freedoms and legal interests of convicts and detainees;

4. Maintaining law and order at penal institutions and detention centres, ensuring safety of convicts and detainees held there as well as of penal officers, officials and persons working within the walls of these institutions and detention centres;

5. Guarding and convoying convicts and detainees along the set routes, convoying citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons to the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as foreigners and stateless persons in case of their extradition;

6. Providing convicts and detainees with conditions of incarceration consistent with the rules of international law, provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

7. Activity organizations, for helping to convicted in social adaptation.

8. Management of territorial bodies of FPS of Russia and directly subordinated institutions.

Date of last update: 01.09.2015 11:12


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Helpline of operational service (495) 982-18-00
Helpline of security service manager (495) 987-61-55